Saturday 27 August 2011

Down hill turn!

Well here we are day 4 post TACE therapy and feeling terrible,I feel a bit like one minute I'm bumbling along quite happy in say a tea cup at the amusement park only to be whipped up and placed on the fastest roller coaster,not giving my mind or body time to catch up.The nausea is dreadful and so is not being able to keep a lot down!My liver is clearly not happy having been blasted with chemo,now I know that's what we want but I feel there isn't anything left inside that isn't swollen.
There are some positives as there usually are in bad situations..... David and I,well ok I just laid there,started to put the day bed together with all my little treasures I bought back from Bali,Nick and Sara turned up and it was one of those times when hey I'm just happy to be here with my family.
Nick has gone back to Singapore today but plans on coming back in a week,hopefully I will have picked up a bit by then.
Better go as my head is a little fuzzy and can't think of anything to say,I must be sick!!!!

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