Thursday, 8 September 2011

Good News!

Sorry I really have been feeling so bad that I had nothing to say and who wants to listen to another whinger!? Anyway yesterday I felt that the pain I was in all the time perhaps was not normal,after speaking with the surgeon he agreed that I should have a scan to see what's going on. Well the good news is that the pain is that bloody huge tumour still there but is now a solid dead mass,(that sounds horrible doesn't it!)plus all the other tumors in the liver are now dead. My body is working very hard to get rid of all of this that is why I have lost a lot of weight,and my job now is to just try and put it back on and build my strength.My family are very happy and so am I,however although I know it's a win,it's not of course the cure.For those that used to play the space invader game I feel like I managed to get all the little bastards that drop down on the screen this time,but give it a period of time and the screen fills back up with another whole load of them.
Perhaps if I was feeling better then I would appreciate the win a little more.I think my next move is rather than wait till I feel pain or discomfort like this time,I will look into some more alternative treatments that are going on overseas. Germany seem to be doing some good things like combining chemo with hyperthermia treatments,I spoke to someone who had had three rounds of chemo with no awful side effects,bring that on I say,at this moment I just can't imagine doing any more chemo it's just plain bloody horrible!
I'm off on Saturday lunch time to see the Russian Ballet so I'll be resting up for that outing,and hoping next week I'll be picking up even more.........

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