Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Lunch at Bali Budda

Beautiful people you meet along the way!

Just got home from a great night catching up with Manuela and friends, great to meet you Matt really enjoyed it thank you,Manuela you are a great inspiration to me.I could pick your brains for hours on the whole raw food thing and which food herbs etc help which part of the body!
Keep doing what your doing you will help many others.
Chilled day tomorrow no plans other than get my lovely David!
Chat soon.........

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Yummy bar recipe

Thought you might like to try these yourself!
If you have a good blender it works much better, I am hoping to invest in a vita mix when home as it seems a must with all the blending you do in raw food preparation, Cashew cheese is only good without lumps!
I don't really measure the ingredients out as you just know with the texture if it's right.
But this is a rough guide!

250gof date paste( I have not been able to find this so I buy organic dates about 250g bag
100g of mixed nuts(you can vary this as the first time I bought a bag of fruit and nuts,last time I used hazelnuts, cashews and almonds and a handful of sultanas)
2 cardamon pods( I get the seeds out and put them in the mix)
3 heaped tblsp of unsweetened cocao powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Pinch of salt
Handful of raw cocao beans( but don't worry if you don't have them still tastes great)
Vanilla from the pods but not essential.

I then blend a little at a time due to a weak blender as the dates are sticky although
when done the mixture should be able to stick together, if still seems a little dry I add some natural honey but not too much.
Place mixture in a creased container and push down flat.
Keep in fridge and the next day cut into slices
If it falls apart then next time change and use less honey or none at all.
Also use organic ingredients if possible, it's quite rich so a small slice with a cup if tea in the evening is all you need to fulfill that sugar craving,and you know although it maybe fattening if eaten all the time,far better when you know what's in it and not a heap of butter and preservatives etc!
Just go with what nuts etc you like,
Enjoy xxx

The coffee poo animal!

Lovely warm water

Inside the crater

Half way stop!


Our yummy bars


Volcano climb

Boys slept in while I got up at 6am and headed to Denpasar to this natural clinic,lots of people have spoken to me about it, so again I thought why not! It was quite expensive,however the medicine is for 2 months, (look at the photo) it's just herbs and roots etc from many plants, tastes like s..t but I keep having to remind myself better than chemo!
The boys were out when I got back so I made up the tea and had a little sleep.Later Jack and I made up some new biscuits using all the natural ingredients I have now. It was really good to just have the time to do this together,and Jack was impressed taking the vanilla out of it's pod instead of out a bottle!they are really enjoying the smoothies and we are all amazed that we are not hungry for hours afterwards!
For dinner we just went close to home on our scooters,fish kebabs and a glass of red,not missing the alcohol but must admit when I have one it's sooooooo good!
Huge challenge today for me! We went to the volcano Batur and had a guide take us to the top
I think the climb took us about 3hrs up,I got major wobbly legs at one stage!Once at the top the crater is huge and in places has smoke still coming out. The guide took us down a little way so we could get close to the steam,just like having a facial! The boys continued up an even steeper bit, but I was happy to watch them.The way down was also challenging,you know when your knees are screaming out saying"ok time to change direction!"well that lasted an hour and a half! At the bottom we walked to these pools heated by the volcano,just what the body needed, we had lunch and then headed home via the coffee place I had been to a similar one on the bike ride, we enjoyed sampling the different coffee's.Before I did this walk I planned to do it again with David but sorry babe,I'll be waiting at the bottom for you with a cool drink!
Boys watching a movie now I think we will all sleep well tonight.
Tomorrow I will go off to Ann in the morning and the boys I think,to make me happy have said they will give yoga a go in the afternoon!should be fun as we don't have a flexible muscle
between us!chat soon .....

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Raw food tomorrow for them!

Emergency poncho!

Getting good at this rice thing!

Classic Jimmy and the hair!

Looking cold!


Today we went off with the extended Balinese family to another area also with a huge temple,where we were told that it is a cleansing place.The water bubbles up from the ground and then fills up this pool,the photo's describe it better!!It was pouring with rain which made it a very cold experience as the water was also freezing,but to me it was the best thing I have done so far.The Balinese people believe this water will cleanse you,and heal you,at each fountain you pray then place your head under or as much of your body as you can,at times I felt really emotional and could have burst into tears but held it together,the boys thought it was very special also, we then got another sarong on and went to the temple and prayed with everyone and did the sticking rice on your head thing!
Still raining the boys wanted to go shopping for the afternoon,so they dragged me along!!!Due to a heavy shower we had to stop for lunch so I pulled into the 'spare rib' place.They also made a great veggie curry so I was happy.
After getting so soaked on the way home on our scooters we are about to watch a movie. I am going to Denpasar at 6.30am as there is this clinic I have been told is worth a visit,so boys can do what they like,hope the rain stops for them!
Chat later...

Saturday, 25 June 2011

After drinking the blessed water you then stick rice on your face and neck!

Think I got carried away with the rice!

25kg offering from Ibu!

After their massage

Monkey Forrest

Bunch of monkeys!

Boys first day in Bali

It's 10.30pm just off to bed after a great full day.J&J enjoyed their first green smoothie,then off on the scooters to meet the egg painter man and a look at the rice terrace up the road.Headed into 'town' and stopped for a wheatgrass shot and a fruit smoothie,then onto Monkey Forrest,also in town,unless you gave them a banana they weren't to keen on you,so Jimmy found out! The boys then had a massage,and got home ready to put our sarongs on for the big ceremony being held in a village about 40 minutes away.Again we were the only westerners there but everyone was friendly towards us. The whole event doesn't take long but the preparation seems to be huge,many offerings made and decorations. On the way home we picked up some noodles,oh forgot to mention Sari Organics for lunch my favorite place.The food is all grown around you and is so fresh,we all loved our food and view!
Tired now chat soon .........

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Kim and I after lunch!

Boys arrive yippee!

Yesterday I got up and made Jack and Jimmy some raw chocolate energy bars,I then went and did a food shop and it was very refreshing not to head straight for the usual Milo cereal, bread biscuits etc sorry boys but this holiday is about having a great time but enjoying food in it's natural state as much as possible! When I got home one of the family members dropped in to say the priest/ healer was coming at 1.00 to see some people in the village and did I want to go.Great, we sat for about an hour he read my palm,but to be honest when I asked him questions through the family member he said that he would have to make an offering from me to the Hindu god first to give me an answer,this I believe is normal, it can be anything like fruit and flowers, so he will be asking god about David and I as he asked for David's name too on Saturday, I will then meet up again with him on Wednesday.He said straight away I had pain in my right shoulder which I do but had hoped he'd come right out and say Cancer what cancer!!!
I then ventured out further to another village to catch up with some friends who were in Ubud for a short time staying at a beautiful resort. Kim and I had a lovely lunch and I went all out and had 2 glasses of the local red,very drinkable as it's very light.The restaurant sits on a rice field so the view is just perfect.Thanks Kim is was a great afternoon.
I returned home although had a little moment when I needed the brakes badly on the way back, when a bloody dog just walked out in front of me,think he was pretty shaken too,probably had never heard that language before!!
Wyoman had offered to come over and show me how they make their fried rice. So I had a cooking lesson, it has chicken in it so it's here for the boys if they are hungry later tonight. Ibu and Pak Ketut came over too, and when they all left Ibu asked if she could stay longer,we can't communicate that well but I think she just likes hanging around together which I think is lovely.
Today I have yoga and I think I will have a massage it's only $12 for an hour and you get fruit and tea after. We leave for the airport about 8pm so exciting!!.......

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Pak Ketut must be getting to know me ,as to cheer me up on the way home from the airport we stopped at a Batik factory, shopping is always a good distraction!

At a loss :(

Nick and I after the green smoothie of course headed off to Denpasar to visit this clinic,well known over here for cancer patients. We arrived about 10am and the place was so full in fact I would be number 35 that morning! After realising that no one would be able to speak to me in English I decided to give it a miss! I am going back Monday with an interpreter,and at 6am to be first in the line, no appointments allowed!
Pak Ketuk said as we were then early for Nicks flight we should go to this seafood place for a light lunch. To be honest I didn't realise that Denpasar was on the beach,well near the runway is.
We shared a fresh snapper and a couple of fresh juices,and then it was goodbye.Where ever my brother is concerned it's always been lots of hello's and goodbye's at many airports as he has either lived away most of our adult lives or been traveling,I think that's what is hard never knowing when the next visit will be,however I feel now our paths will be crossing a lot more.Thanks lovely brother it was a very special 3 days x
I am off to the counselor this morning then yoga,and a long walk this afternoon I have been very slack on that front.
Tomorrow I will be preparing some chocolate raw food treats for the boys coming Friday ,yippee!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Days Off!

The thing with a blog is the same as a diary let a day or two go and the memory goes with it!
I had an unexpected visitor my brother,so have been a little distracted in a good way of course.
The last three days have blended together,so maybe the photo's will help. We went to a local funeral which my landlord said would be interesting, it was to some degree but to be honest the whole funeral thing just doesn't seem to ever lighten my mood,more the opposite it brings my enlightened mood down!
I have introduced Nick to Raw food and I feel that he see's now it's not like eating grass!Sari Organics restaurant would be a favorite I think. We went out to this place on our scooters, which was very scary trying to balance between the thin strip of grass that defines each field.But once there the food is such a delight and cheap too.
Today we both went to visit a local 'healer' Pak Man! We talked with his partner who is English for about an hour then he did a 'kind' of massage on me. I would say it was one of the most painful experiences I have ever had, I'll spare you the details but hey I'm still here and apart from a little residual pain I'm all good!
We have just arrived home from our last night out where I took Nick to a place called Waka di Ume you can google it if you have the time,but it's a beautiful resort in the rice fields, I did a raw food class there last week.We shared a balinese platter of fish and vegetables which was lovely,but due to our healing we were a little late to watch the sunset.It was good to catch up with Chris and Terry from Brisbane who are in Ubud for a few days.
Nick leaves in the morning and I am going to Denpasar with him as I have been told about this clinic there also that maybe worth at look at. I am open to most things that feel right,it's great to have the clarity to go with what you feel is right for you at the time!
Keep you posted .........

Waka Di Ume


View from Sari Organics

Sari Organics

Off to the cremation

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Raw cheese cake,this I have to make again soon!

The best Salsa!


Organic garden,free from turkeys!!


Wanted to rolly poly down this hill!

My new neighbors, didn't seem that excited to meet me!


Ok,so I was asked in the first counselling session what is it that Suzy would love to do as a job,what do I love doing,and you know what, that stumped me! I love many things in my life,but as far as a career I just didn't have an answer. I have been so busy thinking, well if I'm going to die in a year or so what's the point in thinking about working my butt off,so you see today is a revalation! I want to be and am going to be a Raw Food Chef!
I am going to get myself a certificate, and begin eating my way back to great health,and helping as many people as I can along the way do the same. F... cancer I say!
Yesterday just watching the lovely Sayuri Raw food chef prepare some beautiful food,that not only looks amazing but tastes like nothing else, why would we eat packet stuff??Ok so organic food is expensive, but I suppose it's all about what you prioritise.I am a firm believer that many diseases are caused through poor diet, diabetes is one for sure or at least the stage 2 one.We so often treat the symptom but not the cause. Ok will shut up now until I really know and understand what I'm talking look out!
I think for me what I would like to teach people and myself of course that keeping it easy and simple and tasty is the key, I can already hear people say, I don't have the time to prepare all that food.Last night Sayuri made this cashew cheese sour cream/mayonnaise in 5minutes,you can bottle it and use it on everything! I can say I will never use that other stuff again,and so it goes on.So for those of you that are willing to come along this journey with me, I will help you to find a happier healthier you!
I found out last night who I think sometimes leaves a poo on my bed! There is this geko I haven't seen yet but it makes this uh oh noise it's quite funny,now I know why it says uh oh, it's just poohed on my bed!
Kirtan tonight the singing and dancing thing,have a great day chat soon........